Posted in IT

New Site:

Hi everybody, ever wanted to know a quick way to see, what your IP-Address is and where the web thinks you are located based on the IP? Check out here: The page is still under construction, but already does what it should do. Have fun! Take care! Markus Find information in English on the 2-click solution here:

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Posted in IT

Who the f… is

Hi everybody, When I recently checked my Google AdSense-account there appeared a site ‘’ which seems to have displayed my adverts. After some googling I found out that it is obviously some kind of analytics page. However, I have neither subscribed to their service, nor do I have any connection to that page. So I am wondering what this is all about? Do they want to decrease my google ranking through having links on pages that are probably plain link pages? BTW, you need to have a username to access the page. Some tipps for AdSense-users: Regularly check your account…

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Posted in IT Television

Another Way to Watch UK-TV (BBC, ITV, etc) outside UK

Hi everybody, Recently, I found another way to watch UK-TV outside the UK, and it even supports livestreaming of Channel 4 and Five (however, only the livestreams, no on-demand like IPlayer, 4oD or ITVPlayer are supported). This time, there is no need for a UK-Proxy or a VPN. Just go to and you have a quite wide variety of UK-Channels available. Since it seems that they already had some legal fights with the broadcasting stations, I am rather positive that this will be an option that is available for a longer time. If you want an easier way to…

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Posted in IT

Is quantity killing quality?

Hi folks, I wonder sometimes if in many years from now we will be called the ‘Generation Quality-Killer’. I just noticed that ‘The H’, one of the most current and best resources regarding IT-news, is closing down. And this really makes me wonder how a page, where billions of people are exchanging tritenesses obviously is making money and a quality site like ‘The H’ does not get enough revenues to survive. Somehow, we are living in very sad times and this does not only regard the Internet, but also to a lot of other products (planned obsolescence) or buildings. In…

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Posted in IT

iGoogle Alternatives

Hi everybody, Since Google is killing iGoogle in November this year, I have searched the net for alternatives. If you not yet have found what you are looking for as an alternative, you may look for these pages: is currently my site of preferred choice. Especially if you do not want the look and feel of iGoogle changed, this may also be the site for you! The alternative I tried before, was, which offers a lot of possibilities, but has a quite different look and feel. Nevertheless, this may right be what you are looking for. Let me…

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Posted in IT

Programme on Arte: TPB AFK

Hi, Yesterday was ‘Internet’- and ‘Copyright’-evening on Arte (a German/French tv station), and after a documentary about Google books there was another documentary about the legal process against the ‘The Pirate Bay’-founders in Sweden. Unfortunately, it started quite late and I wasn’t able to watch it until the end (but, it could be watched again over the Internet:–7415440.html). First of all: Yes, I have quite some sympathy for these guys, and there are a lot of reasons, why Internet-sites like ‘The Pirate Bay’ work. However, I also respect the copyright, so yeah, it was definitely not right what they…

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