Hi everybody,
During the last days I tried to update my IE9 on my Windows 7-machine to IE10 – actually, I did not want to initially, but Windows was quite insistent on shutting down trying to install it – and always failed with error 9C59. As you may have found on the Internet, none of the tipps of Microsoft actually work – I succeeded with the following steps (and several trial-and-error attempts and a lot of restarts :-)):
- Download and run the Microsoft fix-it-tool (http://support.microsoft.com/mats/program_install_and_uninstall/)
- Download the Microsoft System Update Preparation Tool and run it
- Uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 (System Control Panel – Uninstall Programs – Show Installed Updates – Look for IE 9 and double-click)
- Download and run the IE10 installer (http://windows.microsoft.com/de-de/internet-explorer/ie-10-worldwide-languages)
- Restart as demanded in-between
That worked for me, so good luck, if you are trying this as well (and in-between I also had to run “sfc /scannow” on the command line)
Find information in English on the 2-click solution here: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/03/0115241/heises-two-clicks-for-more-privacy-vs-facebook
If the previous did not remedy your problem, this fix will:
I also had this issue and I got solution from the link : http://www.microsoftsupportchat.com/blog/post/internet-explorer-error-9C59/
April 16, 2014 at 20:37
I also had this issue and I got solution from the link : http://www.microsoftsupportchat.com/blog/post/internet-explorer-error-9C59/
Thanks Alex, it is very help full. I got solution from this site.
Thanks again
Hey i have faced the same problem but i resolved the problem with the help of this link.
Hey i am also facing the same issue but i resolved the issue with the help of this link http://www.microsoftliveassist.com/window-update-error-code-9c59/
This is how I was able to get IE11 to install:
Uninstall IE10 restart
Uninstall IE9 restart
Run the following command at an elevated command prompt:
FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*11.*.mum /c “cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart”
(from http://www.wikihow.com/Uninstall-Internet-Explorer-11-for-Windows-7 )
Go to:
Start_Control Panel_Programs_Programs and Features_Turn Windows Features On or Off.
You should see a list of programs with check boxes to their left. Make sure you see Internet Explorer 8 listed. If you see Internet Explorer 8 listed you should be able to install the Internet Explorer 11 Standalone Update found here:
Tried everything…this finally worked…
Right-click your C: drive in Windows Explorer…select Properties…select Disk Cleanup…let it run and accept to clean up the disk…reboot your computer…it took aawhile to reboot in my case…install ie11…
One of the things it cleans up is the record of windows updates and this seems to be what was stopping me from being able to re-install ie1…
Good luck!
This worked for me, thanks!
Thank you, thank you, and thank you again! Have been fooling with this for days. Yours was a simple fix that worked great!
two weeks of ripping out what was left of my hair over this problem and your answer worked. TYVM
Thank you SO much!!! After searching the web for days upon days and trying MANY of the “fixes” that were posted by others with no luck. I happened to come across your posting just now and it worked!!!! And it was so SIMPLE, unlike the numerous ones that I tried that didn’t work.
This worked for me as well, thanks a lot!