Posted in Theatre

‘Key for Two’ in the Vienna’s English Theatre

Hi all, Last Thursday we watched another very funny play in the Vienna’s English Theatre: Key for Two by John Chapman and Dave Freedman. The play is about a woman who is juggling with two lovers, which goes quite well until an old friend appears and the two lovers, unfortunately for Harriet, the woman with the two lovers, also arrive nearly at the same time. The play is hilariously funny and – some time after the beginning, which is rather boring but needed to introduce the actors – attracts a lot of laughter from the audience. Find information in English…

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Posted in Theatre

‘Black Tie’ by A.R. Gurney in Vienna’s English Theatre

And now for something completely different (I warned you, this blog really covers a lot of topics)… On Saturday, my wife and I went to Vienna to watch a play in Vienna’s English Theatre: ‘Black Tie’ by A.R. Gurney. A very amusing piece about the changes of dresscode (but not only dresscode) in today’s US during the time, offered by 3 generations. First, there is the main character, Curtis, who is about to write a speech for his son’s rehearsal dinner (or, as his father might want to put it, the bridal dinner). He is the one most torn apart…

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