Tag: Website
New Site: https://ipinfo.idstein-online.com
Hi everybody, ever wanted to know a quick way to see, what your IP-Address is and where the web thinks you are located based on the IP? Check out here: https://ipinfo.idstein-online.com. The page is still under construction, but already does what it should do. Have fun! Take care! Markus Find information in English on the 2-click solution here: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/03/0115241/heises-two-clicks-for-more-privacy-vs-facebook
Markus’ Picture Page Online
Hi everybody! I have just started a new website: journeys.idstein-online.com. On this page, I will add photos of the journeys my wife and I took over the years (or will be taking in future). I have started with Scotland 2006 (unfortunately, Scotland 2002-photos were made with a ‘non-digital’-camera) and will add the comments to the photos in the coming days/weeks/months and add additional albums (London, Crete, Lake District and Hadrian’s Wall, Cornwall) in the future. Unfortunately, photos from before 2006 will be few due to a system crash / harddisk crash in 2005 (since then, i regularly do backups). If…
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